I have been able to sleep much better. Feeling clarity, focus and relaxation.
I am able to manage stress 110% better. I am emotionally feeling more stable.
Feels like I am more grounded, in touch with my feelings, more present.
I have the ability to combat stress and clear my mind of clutter.
I feel relaxed, unwound, after the breathing exercises.
I feel like I can really be happy.
I am ready to live my life!
I am calmer, more patient and less reactive.
I have a longer fuse for anger.
I have learned to relax and let things go.
I have learned a number of ways to soothe the savage beast.
A deeper understanding of my inner self.
info@pwht.org | (202) 642-4248
Our friends at the Veterans Crisis Line are available 24x7.
A look inside the SKY Resilience Training - Veterans share their experience.