Project Welcome Home Troops

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for veterans, active military, and their families. Our SKY Resilience Training provides breath-based tools that decrease chronic and post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep problems; while restoring well-being, mental focus, and a renewed sense of connection and purpose.


The work of PWHT is featured in the award-winning documentary film Almost Sunrise, aired nationwide on PBS November 2017Click here to view the upcoming screening dates or learn how to host a screening in your area.


I have been able to sleep much better. Feeling clarity, focus and relaxation.

I am able to manage stress 110% better. I am emotionally feeling more stable.

Feels like I am more grounded, in touch with my feelings, more present.

I have the ability to combat stress and clear my mind of clutter.

I feel relaxed, unwound, after the breathing exercises.

I feel like I can really be happy.

I am ready to live my life!

I am calmer, more patient and less reactive.

I have a longer fuse for anger.

I have learned to relax and let things go.

I have learned a number of ways to soothe the savage beast.

A deeper understanding of my inner self.

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